Thanks for coming to my blog - it has moved house and would love you to go and say hi over in its shiny new home! - thank you
My journey with my new little business (it's my new baby too, if the truth be told) www.memorymakerjars.co.uk
Thursday, 3 April 2014
Tuesday, 1 April 2014
Getting the balance right...
I am kind of hoping I am not alone on this one. I am working very hard to make sure I get the balance right. That my new little baby - memory maker jars, fits in with my family life and not that I fit family life around that. But the flip side to that, is the frustration!
I have so many ideas of things I want to do marketing, advertising and promotion wise with the business. As well as an ever growing list of things I need to do to build the brand and brand awareness. That's as well as the huge learning curve I am on with SEO (still struggling with this one!), Blogging, being my own boss and so on. One good thing is I am confident in the product. The feedback I get from customers when they buy a memory maker jar as well as the recipient is lovely, so that gives me that confidence. But I am still frustrated!
Frustrated that its just not all happening quickly enough. But quickly enough for who and what? It is a pressure I am putting on myself that I know I don't need to. So the vicious circle starts and I then get annoyed at myself for feeling frustrated. Aaaghhhhh
You see, having a long list of things I need or want to do with the business is not usually me. I get things done. My husband is the king of faffing, and I am the polar opposite, I like to just make a decision and then with me its go go go! But, I am having to be patient and rein myself in. I could sit at the laptop or in our little office at home, all day and every evening. But I won't and I am not. But I also want to, want to crack on and move the business forward at a faster pace, but I am not letting myself. Its a weird feeling, as at times I almost feel like I am having to hold myself back! But I know it is the right thing to do.
I have been a stay at home Mum since February 2007, I have had the odd little job from home; admin for a friend with their own business, a party plan business (Jamie at home) for a while before I fell pregnant again but primarily I have been a stay at home Mum to my two gorgeous girls.
As some of you may know, my youngest (who turns 4 next week) starts school in September, and this feels like a real turning point in all our lives. Not just for my little curly haired crazy daughter, who I can see is ready for school, but for all of us. A big thing for my eldest, as her little sister joins her school, and of course, a big thing for hubby and I. Our baby stage of life will be absolutely over, and I worry that empty nest syndrome will hit me. (If it does, what happens, will I become mega broody?)
I feel genuinely sad that my littlest won't be my little sidekick in the week, feel sad at how quick I know she will grow up in that first year. But I am trying to be excited about the time I will have. That is the time I feel, that I can then really go for it with memory makers, and work hard on the advertising, marketing, networking etc. That genuinely excites me. So I know I just need to be patient till September. But as my friends and family will tell you, I may ever so occasionally struggle with being patient :0)
I want to make the most of the next few months, and that last summer holidays with my girls before they are both then school children. In fact even writing this and seeing it written has reinforced just how precious these next few months really are, and I know I don't want to spoil that by tying myself up to a computer. I need to just maintain my confidence in the product and keep working away when my youngest is at pre school, (which is what I do now) and relax into the knowledge that come September I will have more time to devote to it.
For all those stay at home Mums out there that are juggling working from home, well hats off to you. Even more so to those who are running their own business. As finding that off switch is hard, being disciplined enough to not just quickly send that email, or pop on the internet for some research is tough. But, I am trying, and I just need to push aside my frustrations. As there is no right or wrong on how fast a business grows (is there?) - Or certain milestones I need to be at by certain times, and maybe for the first 9 months or so the fact that it grows a bit more organically is no bad thing, as I am constantly learning and tweaking things.
So hey, in fact maybe by working so hard to make sure that the business doesn't intrude into my family life is a positive for the business as well as my lovely little family?
Wow, I have nearly talked myself round full circle! This is what I love about blogging. Only my 3rd post, but I am loving it and finding it like therapy almost!
Hope you are enjoying my ramblings (should a "blogger" call it ramblings or should I be saying something more sophisticated? Don't worry, educating myself on blogger etiquette and all the codes,abbreviations and acronyms is on my list - that is not a joke!).
I have so many ideas of things I want to do marketing, advertising and promotion wise with the business. As well as an ever growing list of things I need to do to build the brand and brand awareness. That's as well as the huge learning curve I am on with SEO (still struggling with this one!), Blogging, being my own boss and so on. One good thing is I am confident in the product. The feedback I get from customers when they buy a memory maker jar as well as the recipient is lovely, so that gives me that confidence. But I am still frustrated!
Frustrated that its just not all happening quickly enough. But quickly enough for who and what? It is a pressure I am putting on myself that I know I don't need to. So the vicious circle starts and I then get annoyed at myself for feeling frustrated. Aaaghhhhh
You see, having a long list of things I need or want to do with the business is not usually me. I get things done. My husband is the king of faffing, and I am the polar opposite, I like to just make a decision and then with me its go go go! But, I am having to be patient and rein myself in. I could sit at the laptop or in our little office at home, all day and every evening. But I won't and I am not. But I also want to, want to crack on and move the business forward at a faster pace, but I am not letting myself. Its a weird feeling, as at times I almost feel like I am having to hold myself back! But I know it is the right thing to do.
I have been a stay at home Mum since February 2007, I have had the odd little job from home; admin for a friend with their own business, a party plan business (Jamie at home) for a while before I fell pregnant again but primarily I have been a stay at home Mum to my two gorgeous girls.
As some of you may know, my youngest (who turns 4 next week) starts school in September, and this feels like a real turning point in all our lives. Not just for my little curly haired crazy daughter, who I can see is ready for school, but for all of us. A big thing for my eldest, as her little sister joins her school, and of course, a big thing for hubby and I. Our baby stage of life will be absolutely over, and I worry that empty nest syndrome will hit me. (If it does, what happens, will I become mega broody?)
I feel genuinely sad that my littlest won't be my little sidekick in the week, feel sad at how quick I know she will grow up in that first year. But I am trying to be excited about the time I will have. That is the time I feel, that I can then really go for it with memory makers, and work hard on the advertising, marketing, networking etc. That genuinely excites me. So I know I just need to be patient till September. But as my friends and family will tell you, I may ever so occasionally struggle with being patient :0)
I want to make the most of the next few months, and that last summer holidays with my girls before they are both then school children. In fact even writing this and seeing it written has reinforced just how precious these next few months really are, and I know I don't want to spoil that by tying myself up to a computer. I need to just maintain my confidence in the product and keep working away when my youngest is at pre school, (which is what I do now) and relax into the knowledge that come September I will have more time to devote to it.
For all those stay at home Mums out there that are juggling working from home, well hats off to you. Even more so to those who are running their own business. As finding that off switch is hard, being disciplined enough to not just quickly send that email, or pop on the internet for some research is tough. But, I am trying, and I just need to push aside my frustrations. As there is no right or wrong on how fast a business grows (is there?) - Or certain milestones I need to be at by certain times, and maybe for the first 9 months or so the fact that it grows a bit more organically is no bad thing, as I am constantly learning and tweaking things.
So hey, in fact maybe by working so hard to make sure that the business doesn't intrude into my family life is a positive for the business as well as my lovely little family?
Wow, I have nearly talked myself round full circle! This is what I love about blogging. Only my 3rd post, but I am loving it and finding it like therapy almost!
Hope you are enjoying my ramblings (should a "blogger" call it ramblings or should I be saying something more sophisticated? Don't worry, educating myself on blogger etiquette and all the codes,abbreviations and acronyms is on my list - that is not a joke!).
Saturday, 8 March 2014
Why did I say that?
Grrrrrr. Why why why did I say that?
Just over a week ago, I put on my "out out" heels, a "lbd" and toddled off into London for a brief visit back to my old life. I met my old work friends, starting at lunch and then on for drinks as one of our gang (my old boss) is heading off to Singapore with work for a few years. I worked on a foreign exchange trading desk for one of the American banks no one really likes any more for 13 years, before waving goodbye to that part of my life when my first gorgeous daughter made her entrance into this world. Seven years on we are still all great friends, meet up when we can and when we do its very much like old times - banter, laughs and a few cheeky drinks. This time was no different. Having worked in an extremely male orientated aggressive environment for all that time, means a packed bar full of men doesn't intimidate me, as I know I can hold my own! In fact, if you asked me to walk into a packed bar full of women I would dread it (that's probably another post for a another time though maybe!!!)
So, the drinks are flowing, we are all catching up and the banter is flying around. Someone I hadn't seen in years asked the killer question "what are you upto now?" Obviously, I waxed lyrical about being at home, looking after the girls and we all then started chatting that its the hardest job in the world and 12 hour days on a trading desk would feel like a breeze compared to a day at home when its one of "those" days. (We all know the days I mean, the teething, or the tummy bug, or the nothing you do today mum, is going to seem to be right days!). I then quickly added as an aside, oh and I've just set up my own business. Obviously, the response was "oh really, doing what?"
Yep, I know, this is the time when my sales pitch should kick in, when I should blow them all away as I show them all a creative entrepreneurial side to me they would never have seen when we were all screaming buy and sell at each other. This is also when I should have spoke with pride about memory makers, but also taken this chance to tell everyone I could as I was in a bar packed full of old friends, alot of them being people who financially have their fingers in a lot of pies - so might have had advice for me, or people they could put me in touch with etc.
But oh no, I came back with "oh, it's a web based little thing selling a little personalised gift thing, nothing major". Inspiring eh? Yep I can hear you reaching for your laptop to get on my website now and start buying!
The next day I woke just feeling mildly fed up at myself, and I didn't really know why. It was only when I thought about that conversation, did I realise that was what I was annoyed at myself with.
Why did I say that? Yes, trying to get a group of macho men (with fairly big ego's) to be interested in a gift predominantly bought by women might have been a big ask, but so what. I think I was maybe nervous to allow any banter/jokes at memory makers expanse because I feel so close to it and it would have been a hard one to laugh off. But I can give as good as I get, anyone will tell you that so I know I could have batted it off. Why was I dismissive and almost embarrassed? Because I'm not embarrassed. I love my product and love where I have got it in a short space of time, and the sales I have achieved. Having then told myself off constantly for a week, I've come to the conclusion that it was because - as its just me, its mine, my ideas, my direction that in that instance I felt vulnerable. Instead of then pushing through that and just shouting about memory makers, I retreated. In fact, my dear friend Ann who was in that conversation rang me this week and said, why did you not tell them all, be proud of it. She told me off and she was right, j needed to hear it. I need to be the best sales person memory makers could wish for. Why - because its me idea and I think ita a fantastic one. I am proud. I really am. I need to never ever forget that and never ever feel shy about that. Its a learning curve. Like I've said, its a new world, being my own boss is very new. But it means I have to take responsibility for all areas, which includes self promotion and if I don't speak with the passion I have for it, then what's the point. Its not arrogant or "showy offy" and arrogance is the thing I hate most in the world, but telling people about it and where its got it isn't arrogant. Its ok to tell people with a smile on my face. Sooooooo, another valuable lesson learnt, I am proud of what I've achieved and there is nothing wrong in saying that or showing that to anyone!
Oh and I also learnt that day, don't walk on the grate on your drive in your "out out" heels after being out drinking all day, as your heel will get stuck and you will have to knock on your door at midnight to your husband opening the door and you standing there very large grate in hand with heel hanging out the grate!
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
Ummmm...hello!? (Giving a timid little wave)
I have recently discovered the world of blogs. I know, I know. I am
very behind the curve and as an avid reader I should have jumped into the world of
blogging a lot sooner - as its like having 100 good books on the go, that u can dip in and out of!
This is how I now find myself, sitting here, posting my first post on my actual very own, proper grown up blog! Yes, I did just grin to myself! I haven't a clue what I am doing. I have no idea on layout, options, what I should and shouldn't be doing. The more I think about it the more I realise I am totally clueless and in the dark about blogs, blogging, being a blogger (or is it a bloggee? Or have I made that up, if I have I like it). But hey ho, I am jumping in, and having a go! Why not eh!
Why have I called it Making Memories? Well firstly, my wonderful husband (questioning myself as to whether I have to give him some sort of code? Is husband ok? Should I or should I not name him? First note to self, look into this!) Okay sorry, where was I? Oh yes, my blog's name...my husband ended his wedding speech nearly 9 years ago with "raise your glasses to us all making many more Memories". So making memories has been a bit of a family saying for us ever since.
So when on New Year's Eve I posted a fb picture of a jar that hubby, myself and my 2 daughters (2nd note to self - work out what codes/names the girls need/are having) had been filling all year with our little moments, I did not expect to be 2 months later with my own little business, website and now a shiny new blog! Memorymakerjars.co.uk was born on New Year's Day and is officially my new baby and I am secretly hoping it will fill the looming empty nest syndrome I can see waiting in the wings as my youngest starts "big school" in September.
I wrote next to the photo of our jar "can't wait to open this on New Year's Day". Well when I woke (albeit gingerly thanks to toffee vodka) to lots of comments and texts asking about the jar - where I got it, that they loved it and wanted one, I felt like something special may have just happened. Memory makers was born that day!!!!
I am tiptoeing through so many new worlds at the mo, business, twitter, facebook, seo, blogs....you get the idea - its a steep learning curve but after almost 7 years of being a full time Mum I am enjoying the new challenge, which I am squeezing in and juggling during those precious daytime
child free hours. You know those hours, when you can sit at
your pc, without typing round a little person sat on ur lap drawing a picure).
So memorymakermoments is my journey. My journey in and through these
new worlds, with my gorgeous family right there with me!
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